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Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 21:29:27 -0600
To: The Akurians <theakurians@theakurians.com>
From: The Akurians <theakurians@theakurians.com>
Subject: 12 09 23 - 0164 - Sunday Training - Bodes of Hades - Powers of
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Part, the Thirteenth
23 September 2012 - 7 Tishrei 5773

         TARGET:  The Libertarian Party, Presidential Candidate GARY EARL JOHNSON and Vice Presidential Candidate JAMES P. GRAY.
         Akurians, you will need immediate access to your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE.  Either access yours now, or make a new one to access while I continue with this Instructional.  CHARGE your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE with WHITE SPIRITUAL LIGHT and AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH from your own energies.

FULL BODY SUPER SENSE should be fully functional and adapted to The Great Awakening.  REPEAT:   Where we are going and what we are going to do, there isn't any room for, or tolerance of, ignorance or self-agenda stupidities.  Do exactly what I instruct.  Nothing else.  No adding to, no subtracting from.  If I don't instruct it, don't do it.  Simple as that.

         Akurians, we've found evidence the Anunnaki/Nefilim and OWG bastards have set up information-feeder systems to FEED INCORRECT DATA to our FULL BODY SUPER SENSE!  Therefore, when you read the energies of your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE be sure to also DISCERN those energies or you are going to get sucked in to FALSE information.  Unless we also DISCERN the source and intent of the energies our FULL BODY SUPER SENSE is reading, we are susceptible to being scammed by our NOT being fully cognizant, primarily by LACK OF PRACTICE!  In short, we are learning the hard way that just because we are getting data via our FULL BODY SUPER SENSE is no excuse to act or react as though that data is god-law-and-gospel until it too has been fully DISCERNED  a capability our FULL BODY SUPER SENSE comes with and we need to practice along with everything else.  There are growing pains; and the full and proper use of our FULL BODY SUPER SENSE isn't any exception.  So far, there's been no great damage, but the fact we've been hammered, like last Tuesday's BLAST Session when the main Conference Room was suddenly inaccessible until AFTER the BLAST was over, should be a massive HEADS UP!

        We're obviously pounding somebody that knows it!

        In case you haven't already guessed, the Practices and Procedures of True and Righteous Spirit of the Akurians are NOT a pom-pom replacement for la-la land 'praise Jesus' abominations.  Some of you are still stuck in that programmed opinion.  We do NOT get together, sing a hymn and pass the plate.  We do not redirect our money on 'what the preacher said' nor avail our lives in constant want of something neither the preacher nor 'Jesus' can deliver.  We KNOW Spiritual Power and WE USE IT!

        Akurians, make a disc of
WHITE SPIRITUAL LIGHT above your head to move down through the nerve system of your BRAIN-SPINAL CORD and CHARGE IT with AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH of your own energies; move it down your system inside your skull, neck and backbone to your tail bone.
FULL BODY SUPER SENSE should be fully operational.

        Tonight's Instructional is going to include learning how to use the Higher Planes of Heaven.  We're going to continue our practices of using both the Planes of Heaven and Depths of Hell as not only places to view, but ENERGIES to be used!
        Anyone who hasn't practiced or rehearsed properly is going to have failure problems.  I have
DISCERNED those of you who are having legitimate problems, and I will keep you safe from all harm as long as you do exactly as instructed.
        Quoting from "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" Paragraph 7375:

The Plane below the Astrals is also the First Heaven, the Etheric Plane, HATH-THOR in Angelic.  From this Plane you can see everything that exists on the earth, and those spiritual entities that are the souls of every living thing from microscopic to the giant sequoia.  It is these spiritual entities that founded the basis for the reputedly legendary elves, elemental satyrs and setyrs, and of course leprechauns!  This Plane is about as high as most psychics can 'see', and accounts for most of their blivit-headed, asinine and generally inaccurate predictions.

        Because our National and Global Political situations are so desperate, we're going to do a bit of
Akurian interference.  We're not going to limit ourselves to blasting Hell and deadly
GOLEMI into our known enemies, we're also going to learn to make and use IMMORTAL GOLEMI out of the Planes of Heaven and send them to bless, strengthen, protect, advise and sometimes HEAL those we want:  currently the Libertarian Party, Presidential Candidate GARY EARL JOHNSON and Vice Presidential Candidate JAMES P. GRAY and any and all shadow organizations, members, affiliates and supporters thereof.

         We're going to make ENERGIZED BODIES OF FIRE as we've done before; and turn those ENERGIZED BODIES OF FIRE into ENERGIZED BODIES OF LIGHT as we've done before:  and then turn those ENERGIZED BODIES OF LIGHT into an entirely different IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR!  Then we're going to take that IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR into the Etheric Plane of Heaven and turn it into an incomprehensible servant of Truth and Justice.  And here is something you should always be aware of and NEVER forget or abuse:  GOLEMI OF THE HEAVENS cannot be made to do any evil, but unless specifically restricted during its creation, cannot be prevented from destroying any evil it encounters!

REPEAT:   Unless specifically restricted, GOLEMI OF THE HEAVENS cannot be made to do any evil but cannot be prevented from destroying any evil it encounters!  That needs a bit more explanation, if and when any GOLEMI OF THE HEAVENS encounters any lie or deception, deliberate, knowing, stupid-grin 'funning' or otherwise, it will not spare the perpetrator nor the source.  It does NOT seek justice and then react:  unless it is restricted during its creation, it sees false and it attacks!  To make the understanding short and clear:  should an unrestricted GOLEMI OF THE HEAVENS be guarding  or healing  an infant and encounter any false energy, it will continue to guard, heal, protect, whatever its assignment toward the infant, but is subject to become a raging inferno on whoever or whatever the source of that false energy.
        The reason is simple:  nobody can successfully take a lie into the Planes of Heaven and succeed!  THAT is one of the great and irrevocable errors of Lucifer and all the Demons who follow him.  That is why they are known as vile, evil and corruptors.  Eventually the very Energies of the Heavens will reject the lie and its source just like the human body can usually cure and heal itself.  In fact, THAT is where human curing and healing comes from, its own True Spiritual Energies.  It's not an exact, but the process is very close and similar.

        CAUTION:  do NOT attempt to play any silly games or personal nonsense with any GOLEMI until you have been through, practiced and fully rehearsed, this process though all the Planes of Heaven and all the Depths of Hell.  Each Plane of Heaven and Depth of Hell used in these practices is somewhat different and requires a direct and clarified process.  In short, GOLEMI have different rules and they will NOT be ignored or violated.

        What we are about to do is extremely dangerous and each subsequent venture will be moreso.  If you get in over your capabilities, simply STOP and return to your physical body, and once there just listen to the remainder as a lecture of learning.


        Akurians, prepare to make a new and fully ENERGIZED BODY OF FIRE to protect yourself and all your surroundings.

        Akurians, on my command:
        Keep your
FULL BODY SUPER SENSE inside your body; and make a new BODY OF LIGHT to expend in this attack invocation as an ENERGIZED BODY OF FIRE:
        Visualize a SQUARE of WHITE SPIRITUAL LIGHT on the bottom of your big toes  both of them at the same time.
        Deep breath in  hold for a count of five  exhale and breathe back in, NEVER leaving the lungs empty.
        Make another disc of
WHITE SPIRITUAL LIGHT just above your head; and out of your own energies CHARGE IT with AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH; move it DOWN through your body, head to feet, let it attach and disburse itself as it will.
        Project your
ENERGIZED BODY OF LIGHT into the center of the Sun!  Expand your ENERGIZED BODY OF LIGHT in all directions to be 800,000 miles in diameter.  Attach all Energies and Forces of the Sun and Black Fire you can muster to your ENERGIZED BODY OF LIGHT and turn it into an ENERGIZED BODY OF FIRE.  Take all the available ELEMENTS present in the Sun, AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH and BIND them to this ENERGIZED BODY OF FIRE as if to make the most powerful Sun Link possible.
DO NOT MAKE OR USE THE SUN LINK!  You want the ENERGY and POWER of the Sun  NOT a link to it as Sword of Fiery Death, the Angel Standing In The Sun, can and will put an instant STOP to such abominations  and his displeasure always comes with a PRICE TAG.
        Return this ENERGIZED BODY OF FIRE to yourself and expand it to encapsulate the entire building you are in  no exceptions  expand it to include all the property, street-to-street, street-to-alley, fence-to-fence, fence-to street, whatever your situation.  Do not concern yourself with other people, animals or wildlife, expand this ENERGIZED BODY OF FIRE to protect you and yours!  That's right, TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOU AND YOURS!
         Keep this ENERGIZED BODY OF FIRE in place until it dissolves of its own accord, which should be at least a week or ten days.  Layer it with as many more like it as you deem necessary; you're better off SAFE than SORRY.  This is simply a PROTECTIVE Shield.  Nothing more.  Your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE should be fully operational by now  and this PROTECTIVE is NOT the same thing.

        Take cognizance of your
FULL BODY SUPER SENSE … Now, using your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE clear everything but INCOMING energies … specific to the current Global Socialist endeavors … whatever-whoever is there, let the energies tell you.  We intend to deliver Hell-Itself into each and every operation of whatsoever nature in each and every Global Socialist Institution regardless of WHAT it does, WHERE it's located, WHO it's financed and managed by, and upon its every level of command all the way down to local politicians, bureaucrats, police, courts and business interests.  Don't be surprised if most of those you DISCERN on your own local level are KAK JEWs, or those too stupid or programmed-ignorant to KNOW they are KAK JEW puppets at best.
        Note via your
FULL BODY SUPER SENSE the extended reaches  like a HUGE spider web    of the WHO and WHAT authorities are in charge … their location … staff, management, facilities … let the energies tell you.  Use your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE to DISCERN as much detail as you can accomplish.  Do NOT instantly condemn everybody in sight, there ARE those who are NOT willing participants but at the moment have little, if any, choice:  THOSE we must separate, because THOSE are the energy-links we're going to anchor to in bringing this whole House of Socialist Harlots down to Hell where it belongs FROM THE INSIDE.
        You have one minute to complete the process.
        Now that you have data about them … they are your intended PRE-EMPTIVE target.

Akurians, those of you present in this company are for now and forever FORBIDDEN to even discuss what you are going to learn and do with any other entity not present.  DO NOT communicate any of these things in any manner to anyone else not present under any conditions.
        Give me a moment to clean these lines of all monitors and disrupt all recording devices and systems.


         REMINDER:   That every Akurian is expected to KNOW and not 'believe' isn't anything earth-shattering to the OWG bastards or the Anunnaki and Nefilim bastards who manipulate them.  But the fact that anybody and everybody sentenced to ANY Depth of Hell will do their absolute and infinite best to attach themselves to any GOLEMI they can manage, in an effort to escape their horrendous punishment even for a few micro-seconds, is something those bastards and all the Demons they serve do NOT want known, understood or publicized!  Make no mistake, there isn't anything you direct a GOLEMI to do that the Infernal Hitch-Hikers won't try their best to help accomplish  even if it's a far greater abomination than they were sent to Hell for  simply because they KNOW that such service at the direction and justification of ANY Akurian, and especially as directed by Proven Knowers, will be accounted as Righteous Service upon them when they are in the next Judgment!
        And:  you must also be equally careful of when making a
GOLEMI as Do-Gooder Hitch-Hikers who want to advance themselves higher than they would otherwise be, are as detrimental and jackass as Infernal Hitch-Hikers  because they have THEIR agenda up front  and NOT your agenda!

        This time we're going to make an IMMORTAL GOLEMI OF HATHOR but they are no less complicated nor less dangerous than any other empowered GOLEMI !
        Just like with IMMORTAL GOLEMI OF DANAKA, there are those in the Heavens who seek a greater station  Do-Gooder Hitch-Hikers  and will attempt to attach themselves.  At some point you will learn how to require, permit or refuse Hitch-Hikers  when and how to use them, for what purposes and the liabilities and responsibilities involved  because it's a critical part of your Mastership as an Akurian!  YES!  I said "require" as that too will become one of your capabilities; and a capability that damned well better NOT be abused or jackassed unless YOU want to take on the
SAME JUDGMENT PENALTIES:  WITH INTEREST as the Entity(ies) you required to serve.
        I did NOT just give you a blanket license to use, or permit, any Occupants of Heaven or Hell to be a part of anything we as Akurians must accomplish. 
GET OFF THE "USE THEM" KICK RIGHT NOW  AND STAY OFF   UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF!  For the time being, you do NOT want any Hitch-Hikers of any kind for any reason.  Hitch-hikers have a tendency to manipulate and inject THEIR preferences whenever possible … and THAT always distracts from YOUR intents and purposes.


        From this point, do not interrupt.  If you even suspect you're in over your head, STOP and return to your physical body and listen to the remainder of this Instructional as training.

        For those present:  you are going to make an
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR bound and dedicated to directed Blessing, Support, Protection and RE-Direction of our National Political situation that MUST be attended from the top-down.  DO NOT deviate from my Instructions in any detail whatsoever; add or delete one whit and this monster is going to turn on YOU simply because it exists!  It initially knows only YOU and what you CHARGE and ENERGIZE it to do.  It serves no other purpose of itself.
        Just like all other
GOLEMI we've made and disbursed, this IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR you are going to make will be permanently attached to YOU and your THOUGHT patterns!  Anything you determine to be an enemy of Akuria or Akurian Justice, which includes any and all violations and/or desecrations of those Holy documents, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America including the Bill of Rights, all you need do is command  verbally or mentally  it's name … That's right … without a proper name this IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR is also powerless.  Unlike an unnamed IMMORTAL GOLEMI OF DEROS that doesn't have a name, any IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR or any of the Planes of Heaven, just like those from the Depths of Hell, are far more powerful and must be controlled with far more intelligence, cognizance and discipline.  That nobody else but YOU, the Creator, has any control or influence over any GOLEMI of your making  and because currently YOU are True and Righteous, any GOLEM will be True and Righteous  until you target and release it to raise all havoc, if that's what you made it to accomplish.  GOLEMI of the Planes of Heaven are far more powerful than GOLEMI from any of the Depths of Hell because Creation is ruled from the TOP to the BOTTOM.

        As explained before, know for a fact:  Control of this IMMORTAL GOLEM cannot be passed on, leaving any and all responsibility for idiocies upon your own head to the exclusion of anybody else.  As with every other deliberate action, THAT comes with a personal responsibility:  FAIL to send your IMMORTAL GOLEM to perform and accomplish the purposes you created it for, and that FAILURE is upon your head too.  If you're NOT going to use it, DON'T CREATE IT!

        Before we continue:


        From this point, do not interrupt.  If you even suspect you're in over your head, STOP and return to your physical body and listen to the remainder of this Instructional as training.
        Clear all other considerations from yourself; do exactly WHAT I tell you, WHEN I tell you without any deviations or interruptions whatsoever:  you are going to make an
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR!  Remember, any GOLEMI is permanently attached to its Creator  in this case YOU  for as long as it exists; and a properly created GOLEMI can travel faster than the speed of light without moving backward in time:  just like your thoughts from which it was Created.  Unlike GOLEMI OF DEROS, they do not need a Sun Link of any kind.  Sun Links restrict all other types of GOLEMI except GOLEMI OF DEROSalways remember that.

         Locate and
DISCERN the Libertarian Party Organization, Presidential Candidate GARY EARL JOHNSON and Vice Presidential Candidate JAMES P. GRAY.  Let their energies tell you …. We are going to deal with them differently, so don't make them into one pile or one energy.

        Akurians, on my command:
        Prepare to make another
        CLEAN your hands;
        CLEAN your feet;
        CLEAN and ENERGIZE your head;
        Make a new BODY OF LIGHT inside your physical body;
        Make a disc of WHITE SPIRITUAL LIGHT, above your head and CHARGE and ENERGIZE it with AKASHA, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH of your own energies;
        Move your CHARGED and ENERGIZED disc of
WHITE SPIRITUAL LIGHT down through your BODY OF LIGHT and CHARGE to ENERGIZE your BODY OF LIGHT from head to toe.  Take special notice of those points that LIGHT UP within you as you move the disc, and take a minute to DISCERN what that Energy Point is about:  It's a signal of the STRENGTH of this given BODY OF LIGHT you are going to turn into an IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR!
        This additional notice of the STRENGTH of this given BODY OF LIGHT will become critical in time as you will learn to make all points the same strength because you are going to need it!
         Akurians, CLEAN and RESTRICT your
BODY OF LIGHT to your sole and exclusive possession and control; prohibiting it's ability to be attached to or otherwise invaded.
        Akurians, prepare to CHARGE and ENERGIZE your
BODY OF LIGHT with every force and energy of every kind found in the Sun but in this order and on my command:

        Fly your
BODY OF LIGHT into the Sun.  CHARGE and ENERGIZE your BODY OF LIGHT on my command:  AKASHA, HEALING, FISSION, TRUTH, FIRE, DIVINITY, BLACK FIRE, DESIRABILITY, WATER, TRUST, FUSION, WISDOM, AIR, COURAGE, EARTH, INTEGRITY, MOON, BEAUTY, DEATH, PROTECTION, DESTRUCTION, RIGHTEOUSNESS … and infuse as much Sun Forces into it as you can manage … now BIND this BODY OF LIGHT to then and there become an IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR to deliver and display all those energies to be manifest in EARTH!
        Keep this IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR in the Sun where it's under your infinite control  until I instruct you to move it.  This IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR is different than anything you've encountered before, and must be handled accordingly!
         This IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR will be kept in the Sun until the very last minute when it will be released on my command.  DO NOT move it until instructed!  This IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR will go directly from the Sun to its assignment.  THAT is a HUGE difference between GOLEMI of the Planes of Heaven and most of those of the Depths of Hell.
        Now even before we name this Entity, here is a hard part:  on my command, and not before, while you and it are BOTH still in the Sun, you are going to CHARGE this
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR with all the Powers, Forces and Energies of HATHOR!  This IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR is currently under your control and inside the Sun.

        Akurians, on my command:
        Akurians, CHARGE this
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR with all the Powers, Forces and Energies of HATHOR!
        Akurians, detach yourself from this
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR.  It's a very hot Spirit Entity and under your complete control, guard and protect it from any other entity, spirit or otherwise.  You'll DISCERN any Hitch-Hiker attempt; if you sense such:  hammer it into oblivion.
        Visualize this
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR and CHARGE and BIND this IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR with all the FREQUENCIES and DESIRABLE ENERGIES of HATHOR!  CHARGE IT WITH ALL THE FREQUENCIES, PLEASURES AND ENERGIES OF HATHOR, and strengthen them with all the Forces, Energies and Powers of the Sun with as much Black Fire as you can muster.  This IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR will remain in the Sun but also in the PLANE OF HATHOR!  And for the time being, THAT is exactly where you want it.
        Name your
GOLEMI while it is still under your immediate control, visualize the essence and energies of these five words:  LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! with an exclamation mark on the end.  Fuse those energies and the words LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! into your IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR!

         Akurians, on my command:
        Endow your
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR with Truth and Justice!
        Endow your
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR to recognize any and all energies, forces and powers!
        Endow your
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR with the strength and infinite energies, forces and powers of the Sun that it cannot be resisted or defeated!
        Clean your
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR of any and all other entities, spirit or otherwise:  BURN THEM IF YOU FIND THEM!  You're operating in one of the most-deadly destructive sources in this part of Creation, the Sun, don't be shy about using it to CLEAN!
         Return your IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR to this earth and stand it a short distance from you!
        Name it again -
LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! to roam these United States wherever there is fear, hatred or disgust of government, expose all IRREVOCABLE TRUTH including the desirability of the Libertarian Party, Presidential Candidate Gary Earl Johnson and Vice Presidential Candidate James P. Gray.
LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! to infest and infect Barack Hussein Obama, Joseph Robinette Biden, Senator Harry Reid, Representative Nancy Pelosi, National Democratic Party, Willard Mitt Romney, National Republican Party and exude and display their energies with an undeniable aura that they are seen and understood to be knowing liars, traitors, deceivers, murderers and thieves to be infinitely detested and totally distrusted as all such is TRUTH!
LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! to infest and infect each and every voter, citizen or otherwise, to be an Infinite and Eternal Spirit of Truth, that:  Barack Hussein Obama, Joseph Robinette Biden, Senator Harry Reid, Representative Nancy Pelosi, National Democratic Party, Willard Mitt Romney, National Republican Party and all supporters thereof are vile, willing abominations in The Sight of All They Hold Sacred.
LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! to infest and infect each and every voter, citizen or otherwise, to be an Infinite and Eternal Spirit of Truth, that:  the Libertarian Party, Presidential Candidate Gary Earl Johnson and Vice Presidential Candidate James P. Gray are the few, the HONEST, the acceptable, the desirable and deserving of their support and General Election vote.
        CHARGE and BIND your
IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR with these words:

        "LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! Go forth into the whole of the United States, Territories and Protectorates:  infest and infect TRUTH, FREEDOM and LIBERTY throughout the land; instill and demand the only Honorable Battle Cry, "Restore the Constitution!  All of it!  Without exception!"
         "LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! Go forth into the whole world:  a Spirit of Truth; that there IS a God in Abraham, and He has delivered the Honorable, the Righteous and the TRUTH, the Libertarian Party, Presidential Candidate Gary Earl Johnson and Vice Presidential Candidate James P. Gray to declare TRUTH, FREEDOM and LIBERTY throughout the world!
         "LOVING SPIRIT GOLEM OF HATHOR! Go forth everywhere I have sent you.  Spare not, fail not, delay not!"

        Akurians, release your IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR!
        Release yourself from the IMMORTAL GOLEM OF HATHOR and all its attached energies and prepare to recharge yourself.
        It may take some of you a few minutes.
         Recharge your
        Let me know when you are finished.



Our Rights and Constitution will be
restored the same way they were
established.  The only differences
will be quality of powder and calibre
of shot.