Each and every word, statement and claim Verified by The Most High, Himself!
The Whole and Ancient Truth you were never told and were FORBIDDEN to question!
Over 40% Translated out of Angelic, the Language of the Heavens.
Wisdom as Ancient as all Creation!
More Powerful than the Bible, Qur'an, Bhagavad Gita
Lankavatara Sutra, Upanishads and Tipitaka combined.
Exposing false prophets, Doctrines of Death and demonic-possessions
of Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, Ashkenazis, Buddhism,
Politicians, Priests, Preachers and other liars.

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The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED! 8:00
An 8-Minute absolute documentation film of all Three: Anointeds, Elect and Damned in no uncertain terms. Totally devoid of all 'believe-this' and 'praise-that' idiocies. Knowledge you can – and are well advised – to personally verify for yourself! No sales pitches, No click-to-click-to-click nonsense, and No follow-up junk!
Picture of Souls Burning in Hell! 11:30
An absolutely harrowing view of Demons, ExtraTerrestrials and Humans clearly shown in the Flames of Hadesse, the Third Depth of Hell. Not for the squeamish or mentally disturbed. Some entities are marked for your convenience, look for RED circles and GREEN copy.
Holocaust on the Horizon! 24:15
The now all-but sure and certain Global Destruction in our immediate future. Details and information about our immediate future. Immanuel Joshua ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, whom deluded hallelujah halfwits of all stripes and 'religions' call "Jesus", IS NOT – REPEAT: NOT coming 'before all these things' and is clearly documented.
Holy Mark vs Mark of the Beast! 37:15
Clearly separating the two: One being an absolute protective and the other an equally absolute one-way trip into Hell. The first has been available for thousands of years; the second already exists and is being planned and legislated for all those ignorant enough to accept it.
Instant Clairvoyance! 11:50
A very basic course of HOW TO SEE WITH YOUR SPIRIT EYE! The True Spiritual Process that works everytime for everybody who follows the simple instructions exactly. No 'belief' required. KNOW for certain whether someone is telling the truth or lying, even via radio and television live or recorded, without anybody knowing you're doing it!
Mind Over Body! 10:07
The most valuable True Spiritual Lesson you can give yourself. Contains an infallible self-test that also works everytime for everybody who follows the simple instructions. The Great Beginning for all those seeking True Spiritual Abilities. A thousand times better than self-hypnosis.
Righteous Authority! 13:46
Who has it, who doesn't, with directions to KNOW FOR AN ABSOLUTE FACT! True Righteous Authority isn't of any church or religion, and is available to you too, but it isn't coming from out of nowhere nor on any changeable terms. The Most High, Himself, Ordains it and has already set all the Rules.


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