27 January 2013 16 Sh'vat 5773
There is a
growing misconception within this Holy Order that we are another armed to
the teeth, tinfoil hat, violence oriented mentality. We
NOT! Some of us ARE armed, with sufficient expertise
to hold our own in any given situation, and will not hesitate to prove it
in the presence of clear and present danger. We also
NOT a collection of programmed idiots living under the
delusion there is a government-funded sniper behind every billboard and
political statement. We KNOW for a FACT the Grand Global Conspiracy
is far more advanced, sophisticated and entrenched than that. As
for violence, we abhor it without reservation, and we can apply more of
it than all the military forces of the world combined.
We are a
TRUTH hell-or-high-water Righteous Order that fully understands the true
nature of the world's political situation, WHO is behind it, WHAT is
their ultimate agenda, and WHICH
Chinks in their
armor are the most vulnerable.
World Situation: Marx-disguised Demonism enforced under the
guise of 'law' by wholesale murder committed on-order of
the manipulators by government agents and agencies.
Manipulators: Most can be identified by their attendance at
Bilderberger and Bohemian Grove attendances or their
The vast majority are high-level members of the several lodges, Masonic,
Knights of Columbus, Temple Israel, et cetera, and barring none.
Agenda of Damnations: To reduce the world's population from its
current 12-Plus Billion to some 500 Million under conditions that will
make the Grand Plan of TOTAL Global Enslavement acceptable,
deliberately by abject ignorance of the enslaved. The
FACT is, today the world's population is
increasing at a
rate of
SEVEN MILLION [7,000,000] people per
MONTH! Do the simple math and even YOU will know something must be
done ….
Chinks in the
Armor: Without exception those involved in any portion of the
above are living under the delusion they are part, parcel
and party to the actual decisions thereof. And THAT is clear and
unmistakable evidence they are both demon-possessed
(Chink #1)
and consider themselves above all law, specifically but not limited
to: Holy Law (Chink
Enter, the Akurians, with our ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE that everything is
ENERGY, and all ENERGY can be manipulated if you know HOW!
Those of
us with Holy Marks
(Seals in our Forehead placed there by The Most
High, Himself) are a very
few who came to this station in life because we rightly
refused to accept the perpetual failures of all other religions and
spiritual endeavors. We have proven to ourselves beyond any point
of question that singing-a-hymn-and-passing-the-plate and repetition of
buzz-words and rituals absolutely do not work, and they never
did. We KNOW without any exception, those of us with Holy
Seals are held to a Higher Standard than those who are new to our
Holy Order, and yet The Most High does not hold even the eldest of us in
higher esteem than the seeker who is among us for the first time.
Therefore, we are not among the deluded sidewalk-arm-grabbers, street
corner bellowers, or self-appointed evangelists spewing the same demonic
cess of Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit of Truth:
the unforgivable sin!
But where
are we?
The above
does reveal some of where we are NOT, and leaves a lot of
political, religious and scientific area to be refined. Before we
can take advantage of either
Chink, above, we
must first have a cognizant understanding of ourselves, both personally
and as an Organized Corps, or we are going to accomplish nothing of our
Commission except become a Testimony AGAINST ourselves. Our
understanding must be both broad and historical, or we are subject to
operating in ignorance with sure and certain failure as a result.
our very breath is under scrutiny of politics government and
law we as a wise and cognizant people must contend with government
and law as we do the natural forces of gravity, weather, sunlight, and
all other lifeforms of our environment. And in this day, any
miscalculation of our true religious or political situation and condition
can be a disaster from which we cannot extricate ourselves. We are
a people of True Destiny, but that is not to even infer we are either
indestructible nor infallible. Therefore, we must contend with
government, law and politics as the enemies they are; and being good
stewards of this war they have thrust upon us, plan carefully, discipline
constantly and strike when and where we are least expected. Our
Mission is until Shiloh, but it does NOT guarantee us against our own
preferences to our own destruction. We cannot afford, or long
survive, an instigated fire-fight of powder and shot with overwhelming
government forces.
THAT does
not mean we can't beat all the world's government's forces and all
at the same time but we cannot beat them on their
terms. We must choose both the when and where to fight, who
to target, and most importantly the HOW! As long as I am Commander,
I, and I alone, will make all four decisions. In addition, I, and I
alone, will determine all final decisions with respect to the logistics
of such engagement. That is MY responsibility, mine and mine
alone. I am not a know-it-all incompetent, and NEVER venture into
anything without getting both as much sound advice and relevant
information as is available. Traits I hope each of you will develop
and expand.
One thing
we have in our favor: When we strike as a DISCIPLINED TEAM, we have
the capability to direct more force, energy and FirePower than has been
demonstrated on this planet to date. When we strike as an
UN-disciplined TEAM our failure rate is equal to all hallelujah halfwits
Thus, when
we needlessly provoke an attack upon ourselves by government and law, the
liability and responsibility is as much upon our own heads as it is
government and law from top to bottom. Our best, and only
worthwhile defense is to strike government and law when and where they
cannot defend themselves nor escape even the whisps of our destruction
upon them. In order to do that, we must strike as a DISCIPLINED
TEAM without deviation of any element for any reason. No
To act on
our own initiative and for our own purposes does NOT require a TEAM
effort nor necessarily the same details/elements, only the same
procedures and processes. TEAM endeavors are excellent examples
when the necessity of taking some entity down is unavoidable or
establishing some better good is required. Whether using HEAVENLY
the procedure is the procedure and will not deviate
from their Creation as Exacting Sciences. The common sense process
is to
situation before taking any action whatsoever. Once you have a
clear and understandable knowledge of the situation, very carefully
determine what needs to be done, the logistics required; secure those
logistics, and then do it!
IF you
have made a proper
you will know both the strengths and weaknesses of the situation and how
much and what kind of FirePower you're going to need to apply.
Nobody can ramble-off incoherently and succeed, and no amount of words of
themselves alone will create, change or destroy anything.
Hallelujah halfwits have proven that for millennia and we still find
those among ourselves who haven't learned that lesson! The
objective of any Akurian application is to effect what we need to
accomplish; NOT to strengthen the weaknesses of our target. To do
that we must KNOW both the strengths and weaknesses, protect ourselves
against the strengths and inflict as much damage to the weaknesses as we
can muster. Like every other element and process in Creation, true
and dependable
only comes with PRACTICE. Its perfection is NOT an inherent.
It must be learned. RE: Walking is common, but we
weren't born proficient, we had to LEARN to walk. Walking is like
, we have the capability at the outset, but we STILL have to LEARN how to
do it and do it effectively. It is an applied effort a
developed trait not something that just happens because we want
it. Properly
each and every target is vulnerable. No exceptions.
DISCERNED, each and
every target is vulnerable. No exceptions.
When and
IF an Akurian applies our True and Righteous Spiritual Knowledge in
appropriate manner, NOTHING this side of The Great Veil is
impregnable. If we set up an energy in any improper or detrimental
manner, regardless of how important or justified it may appear,
especially an episode we really don't need, we are subject to whatever it
attracts without any immunity whatsoever. We may involve ourselves
in a severe fight to accomplish nothing but the waste of our own time,
energy and resources. Just because we have a right to fight the
worst of enemies doesn't mean we have the means and capability of sure
and certain victory nor that we will emerge unscathed.
Any entity
that initiates any engagement or event is liable for it, and does NOT
have any immunity from the consequences of it. Thus, if we
DISCERN the traps
and diversions of our enemies, and determine to retaliate, we would be
well advised to KNOW THAT ENEMY and each and every detail of that
situation. There are noses we do not want to tweak just because we
can do it, just as there are Planes, Depths and Realms we do not want to
venture into with our ignorances and incompetences intact.
Initially, all Akurians would be well advised to be about the BUSINESS of
Not only
our few financial endeavors, but the unquestionable support of our
recruiting and training. We have the AED, in print and online,
available world wide. We are without excuse for not exploiting it
as the magnificent publication it is. We quote and re-quote from
other scriptures both in support of our sure and certain KNOWLEDGE of
, and to call the
deluded and the damned into account for their failures and incompetences
as given in their preferred scripture. And often we are
HYPOCRITES! We do not inform the deluded and the damned of either
the True Spiritual Knowledge or solutions to the world's problems
contained in That Greatest Book Ever Written. Every other
publication of a religious nature, including the documentable histories
they contain, do NOT reveal to the individual the EXACTING PROCESS to
contact and communicate with The Most High. Only the AED offers
that. And to the world at large it is a candle under a bushel;
because we, the Akurians, do not expound it as an infinite source of
brings us to the PROMISE of PROSPERITY:
process of PROSPERITY is as an EXACTING SCIENCE as exists anywhere in
Creation. We must always remember that Lucifer is the God of this
World, and THAT is why some of the most vile humans in the entire
existence of the Anusazi are seated in offices of Great Power and
families of Great Wealth. First, don't confuse the
"world" with the "Earth!" They are not the same
thing. The Earth is the planet, its contents of land, water and
lifeforms; and the "world" is the so-called civilizations upon
the planet. 'Governments' if you prefer. So Lucifer does NOT
have absolute and total control over the planet
nor the wealth of
process and FirePower of PROSPERITY are not the same; the first is the
HOW TO DO IT; the second is the storage of the harvest; and third is the
application/expenditure of the harvest. Before we get a harvest,
there is the requirement of the preparation, planting and tending and
where are we going to put it until we use it. Nevertheless, the
natural order of things
especially all things
Akurian cannot be deviated from nor neglected unless we
want failure at all times. Therefore, the natural order of
all things Akurian are EXACTING in the study THE HOW
TO and the application. When and IF we, the Akurians rehearse
our True Spiritual Processes, Practices and Procedures, not only will we
be FirePowers to be reckoned with, we will possess prosperity in the face
of all other deprivation. The storehouse of our FirePower and
prosperity may very well be between our ears, but THAT is the safest
place in all Creation.
And let's
look at that "application of the harvest" with a bit more
observation. Did you know that about ninety percent of the great
lottery winners who took the whole sum rather than timed payments are
BROKE within an average of six years? Think about it.
Hundreds of millions of dollars after taxes gone, squandered, in a span
of a very few years; when it's enough money to keep generations in good
living, educations, and all the so-called finer things of life.
What is the
in THAT armor? Lack of
preparation resulting in a lack of protection of the
wealth! There are TWO critical points
all fools refuse to recognize:
Regardless of the sum of money, there IS a bottom to the well; and
Regardless of the sum of money, it cannot be taken anywhere at
Earthly possessions, including platinum, palladium, gold, silver,
alexandrites, aquamarines, diamonds, opals, rubies, sapphires, pearls and
such ilk, regardless of purity, quality, size workmanship and all other
factors and any and all other possessions of property, land,
houses, cars, trucks, planes and boats, are totally worthless in both the
Planes and the Depths. The only place any of the above have any
value at all is in the Earth Plane, and primarily as a medium or
application of exchange.
Since we
exist in a necessity of that exchange, HOW do we get in on that
exchange? By learning and practicing the True Spiritual FirePowers
of these instructionals: as given in both Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the
Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be
added unto you." and Luke 21:31
"But rather seek ye the
Kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto
you." both attributed to Immanuel.
You want
PROSPERITY? Then be about the business of learning and practicing
what I've been teaching for over fifty years!
If we are
going to fight and survive until Shiloh, and end there with our Holy
Commission and Holy Law intact: we are going to have to recruit,
educate and train those recruits. And we can't do that
jackass. We need to be about the BUSINESS of Akuria and keep our
BEST image forward. Nobody worth having is going to associate with
a group of dumb assed idiots. Either we are up to our
Calling or we are not. And THAT can be a bigger
Chink in our
armor than Chink
#1 and
Chink#2 in
the OWG combined.
So, let's
assess ourselves:
Because we
ARE Akurians, we are as political as we are scientific as we are
religious in any order preferred. Because we ARE Akurians, we
cannot ignore the realities of any of the three nor their respective
ramifications upon mankind, the world, or Creation. Because we ARE
and few in number, we must choose our battles
very carefully, as all available fights are not worth the effort and most
are diversions from our Greater Agenda:
Living Testimony OF the Generations until Shiloh;
Restoration of Holy Law;
Restoration of the United States (Ephraim) as a Nation;
Restoration of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over and above any
and all governmental intrusion; and
Restoration of access to ALL TRUTH as a Human Right to the whole world,
specifically but not limited to Life, Liberty, pursuit of Happiness and
Justice in any order preferred.
it is incumbent upon us to develop FirePower. Whether we apply it
in self-defense or destruction of all those of demonic nature or
possession is NOT an issue. That we are entrusted with such
FirePower and its application
IS the issue.
Against the FirePower of The Most High in our hands there is neither
defense nor escape anywhere in all of Creation with the possible
exception of the Great Landing Before The Great Veil. I wouldn't
put any heavy bets on that, because it was on that Great Landing I killed
Urakabarameel (
UR-AK-A-BAR-RAM-E-EL), The Twisting Orator,
whose Title in Angelic is
most important point of all this is the FACT The Most High has USE for
us. To preserve a Remnant of Israel; and we must preserve that
Remnant in the Nations. I invested and bankrupted my career
, businesses and the
Corps at the time to dig in Ak-1 where the Remnant is secured.
Simple as that. Ak-1 cannot be a Living Testimony OF the Nations
because they are NOT in the Nations to endure the damnations first hand;
BUT WE ARE! Now we are engaged in preserving that Remnant in the
Nations to be a first-hand, been there, in person Testimony OF the
Nations and all Earth's Inhabitants starting with, but not limited
to: manipulators, politicians, journalists, priests, preachers and
other liars. If mankind (Adama/Adamu/Anusazi) is to survive, it is
OUR duty and responsibility to show the way and set the standards; and
the only process of sure and certain success is to preserve Holy
Law. The Most High is NOT going to do our job for us any more than
can do His job for Him. As Immanuel is reported as
Matthew 3:9 And think not to say
within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto
you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto
Luke 3:8
Bring forth therefore fruits worthy
of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to
our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to
raise up children unto Abraham.
Most High doesn't NEED us, He WANTS
us. Anybody that can create complex human beings male and
female out of ordinary rocks certainly doesn't 'need' anybody or
anything else! Because we ARE Akurians, and on the inside of That
Unimaginable Greatness, it is our duty above all other requirements to
abide Holy Law and be a Living Testimony OF everything we experience and
everything we do. THAT is our
fruits worthy of
repentance and we dare not continue to fail in this
most-important of all Commissions.
promise from The Most High, Himself:
""And in those Days of
Restoration and for their thousand (1,000) generations after: I
shall Bless My Holy Kingdom of Akuria more than all the whole
When I
intervened on behalf of the Black population in the United States,
and even though it was not my intention, I delivered
immense energy to the so-called 'liberal' agenda that now ravages the
very foundations of the whole of Ephraim and Manasseh United
States, England, Canada and Australia.
The Most
High informed me, and confirms it in Paragraphs 6337 through 6339 of the
AED and continuing:
6337 ""I informed him
that he would regret his action, even though his action was completely
justified and he had full authority to make and enforce such a
decision. And now look at the cities:
they are sewers, rife with crime, defiled
with racemixing and narcotics unsafe even for the sewer dogs who
prowl them! And now look at the nation:
it is polluted with Legislated Enslavement, quality-bereft education,
illegal and uncontrollable debt, and a government that is completely
corrupt and inept from the highest unto the lowest:
unsafe to speak against, unsafe to
practice the reputed rights thereof lest you be murdered for your
convictions because the people have chosen to lower themselves to
the moral filth and mental degeneracies of Accursed Canaan and Accursed
Cush! And all this is done by design of the
Great Enslaver, from whom none who establish it shall remain immune!
6338 ""And the Jews among
them have been foremost in the forced foreclosure and I shall burn
them, every one, who has so caused the pollution and the profanity of My
Beloved Ephraim (United States) and My Beloved Manasseh (England)!
Yea! Even those upon whom My Servant Jacob (Israel) named his own
6339 ""But observe the
whole of the culture it is putrid with rampant ignorance, all
programmed by design of the Great Enslaver; it is immoral and
undisciplined that the people be manipulated by a corrupt, morally
degenerate, murderous government, all programmed by design of the Great
Enslaver; it is weak and defenseless that the people be legislated into
enslavement by a vile, putrid and self-protecting government, all
programmed by design of the Great Enslaver;
which things could not be done except
the people chose to appease Accursed Canaan and Accursed Cush because of
their violence! And know that I shall not hold
any guiltless that does not meet violence with violence for only by
meeting violence with violence does violence cease and fall even as a
house divided against itself!
Though my
intention was to remove what I thought then, and still think now, is an
unjust oppression
for the sake of oppression from the Black
Community; all I managed to do was expand the Black Neighborhood Ghetto
War Zones! Open housing only moved the War Zones into previously
white neighborhoods as "white flight" virtually eliminated any
"brining the Black poverty up to White wealth" standards.
The main point I did NOT take in to consideration was the fact the
invading Black populace
would NOT abandon their damnations
of rampant narcotics and immorality
because they COULD
not. It's part of the consequences of the Great Curses on
Canaan and Cush. That cursed mentality goes where they go as a
. And, the
Greatest Testimony against Canaan and Cush is the fact, since the very
day the Curse Upon Canaan was
, there
were those in the community that took to repentance. Cush's
own daughter, the beautiful and favorite of Noah, Amberia Angelene
wouldn't go along with the scheme, refusing to bed down with Accursed
Canaan or any of his accursed sons! She asked Noah what to do in
such cases, not telling him the reason behind her request, and upon being
advised that death was preferable to pollution, she stepped off one of
the many cliffs upon Mount Agri Dagi in the Chain of Kardo. The
fact that FOUR GENERATIONS of obedience and adherence to Holy Law by the
Canaanites and Cushites would
and still will
remove both Curses is ignored except by a very Elite few.
Fortunately, some of that Elite few are among the Proven Knowers and are
present during this Instructional.
The error
of my "good intentions" only confirms the adage,
"The road to hell is paved with good
intentions!" My "good intentions" have
brought both Houses of Joseph to the brink of total destruction and I
alone am responsible for it. I reveal this to all of you that in
the many Days of Horrors to come you will not make the same
, and teach those
who will look to you for salvation and rescue until Shiloh: to
avoid even the appearance of "good intentions."
Currently, the biggest mistakes we can make are:
NOT preparing ourselves with sufficient PRACTICE and REHEARSAL of our
known Spiritual Powers within Holy Law to defend ourselves and force
adherence to what we know is our Birthright of Life, Liberty and pursuit
of Happiness as accorded us by the Constitution of the Unites States and
the Bill of Rights.
NOT recognizing the application of race and racial hatred as weapons of
division; especially when clothed in the pain of poverty.
NOT recognizing the application of immorality across the board,
glorifying the most vile of conduct as good and acceptable behavior.
Permitting anyone on government payroll, in media, or
otherwise to be unchallenged when they present knowing damned lies
as 'policy' or some 'greater good' which the whole nation must accept and
NOT calling such Demonisms into immediate account whether it be of That
Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople, which includes all
her fallout Harlot Christian Daughters; Islam wherever it is ensconced;
KAK Judaism especially in and of the Secret Organizations: Skull
and Bones, Masonic and Knights of Columbus Lodges, Bilderbergers,
Bohemian Grove and all their ilk.
NOT preparing ourselves with sufficient personal fire-power in the form
of weapons and ammunition.
MAKING any open issue that will deliberately provoke hostilities with an
overwhelming government agency. For THAT DAY is coming and we need
not rush to invite it
But be
Only a
stupid Commander jumps into a fight simply because a fight is
Only a
stupid person instigates a fight without just cause.
Only a
stupid person ignores the signs of the times.
Only a
stupid person fails to prepare against a tomorrow even though they may
not live to see it.
When and
if my instructions and orders are adhered to, none of the above
derogatoriness will ever be found anywhere among True and Righteous
That True
and Righteous Akurians must deal with the Great Curses of Canaan and Cush
does not absolve us of responsibility to Observe and Obey Holy Law as
originally given. That many in today's government and media would
claim our insistence of Obedience to Holy Law is Israelite racial
discrimination against all non-Hebrews,
it is a known and outright
damned lie that we will not surrender to. We cannot permit
ourselves to be divided and conquered on any lines, racial,
administrative, academic, spiritual or otherwise.
Make no
mistake, we the Akurians, ARE the Living Testimony OF all these things;
and we dare not testify them as good when they are clearly vile. We
cannot be stupid and blast-off incoherently on personal rampages unless
we want to waste our precious minutes of life shooing nonexistent demons
from behind every blade of grass. We are standing in the Great Sea
of Swill fit only for swine, and need to apply ourselves to the business
of cleaning the trough without having to eat it. We are eyeball
deep in the sewerage of socialism that neither mankind nor any of the
lifeforms on this planet are going to survive unless we, the Akurians,
dedicate ourselves to this Greater Calling, which requires us to be of
are Akurians, some Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony of The Most
High, Himself, not a collection of stupids. We are not only held to
Higher Standard,
it is our Minimum
Standard. And THAT requires the application of all our
True Spiritual FirePower and Abilities that none of the
rest of the world possesses, and most of the rest of the world doesn't
even know exists! We dare not be ignorant! That
we cannot know every detail of everything does not absolve us of being
liable for NOT applying that which we do know in a
responsible and just manner. We are not ignorant of Holy
Law! Therefore we cannot be a True and Righteous Testimony
against any abomination if we stand by and permit it to go
We are few
in number: And, because we have an Elite of Canaan and Cush in this
very audience, respected and long-term Akurians with Holy Seals in their
foreheads; we are not only a Testimony OF the Nations, we are a Testimony
AGAINST all Manipulators, One World Government, and all their collective
socialist ilk. Regardless of the lies told them, in Judgment
Canaanites and Cushites are not going to be able to plead any degree of
deprivation of Spiritual Truth. The
equality of that is, neither will anybody
else! Everyone, regardless of lineage is going to learn
without exception that Holy Law is without exception, and all political
or other delusions to the contrary be damned!
We are few
in number: But that does not preempt us from the responsibilities
incurred as Proven Knowers of The Great Testimony which is to BE a
Living Testimony of This Generation of Fire regardless of WHO that may
involve or WHAT agenda it may encounter specifically but not
limited to FALSE FLAGS. We have to walk a very narrow edge
to preserve ourselves, and still be those few who can and do shout TRUTH
from the rooftops. We cannot be dissuaded or diverted by every twit
in the wind and accomplish our Commission. We are all under
constant surveillance, as evidenced both by our communications problems
and direct hits of our conversations and emails sometimes using
OUR verbatim terminology. Therefore, we must be cognizant to
tell the bastards only what we want them to hear, and NOT waste our time
defending ourselves against nonexistent attackers.
That we
are few in number does NOT infer we are a gathering of weaklings.
When we invoke PROPERLY and as a TEAM we are virtually unlimited in what
we can accomplish. But let me address the "PROPERLY"
situation first:
"PROPERLY" does not mean we can mouth words and the whole of
Creation is going to burst its seams to instantly comply.
"PROPERLY" means the EXACT process from start to finish, and
words alone are almost worthless, producing less than one-tenth of one
percent of the best we can individually manage. Unless we have both
the MIND
SET and the conscious follow-through, we can
bellow until Dooms Day and accomplish only a TESTIMONY OF STUPIDITY
Let's look
at that a bit more intensely. I taught some of you personally the
EXACTING PROCESS OF TELEKINESIS and stood by while you applied it
dissolving a cloud or disrupting the sweep second hand of a clock.
Now we all know the scientific communist declares, without exception,
that TELEKINESIS is impossible. But that didn't prevent you from
doing it, and doing it at will. Whether a cloud ten to twenty miles
away or an electric clock with nearly THREE HORSEPOWER to drive its
motor, you still easily made the target obey your PROPERLY applied
thought! Key word = "PROPERLY!"
Using the
WORDS of our invocations to keep our endeavors in the same
place at the same time for the same objective
does NOT overrule the requirement of PROPERLY applied thought! From
start to finish the entire and EXACTING process is PROPERLY applied
thought! The very basics of TELEKINESIS will work for
anybody. The requirements of a TEAM effort include the
understanding that our True and Righteous Spiritual FirePower is an
EXACTING SCIENCE! Jackass the process and we just as well may do an
inept and impotent scenario like singing a hymn and passing the plate
that never did work for the Jesus-Praisers nor anybody else.
Consider: a precision drill team still has someone calling the
cadence. Which foot hits the deck, and WHEN, is determined and
ordered by the Drill Master. Any turns, pauses (called "mark
time"), halts or maneuvers are called in the same cadence, keeping
everybody together in a tight and precision formation. Our
Invocations SHOULD do the same thing for our TEAM endeavors. Those
Invocations are written to provide both a PROPERLY applied thought,
precision targeting and application of FirePower. Failure is
guaranteed when anybody within the TEAM deliberately deviates. But
note, those LISTENING are getting the Invocation at virtually the same
time, even though there is some delay from the Firing Officer, the delay
is about equal to all listeners. We can live with that type of
delay, but we cannot succeed when anybody jackasses the process with
their own scenario.
'secret,' if there is such a thing, is in the
SET the mental picture.
It's either a thinking through in correct order and
format talking yourself through if necessary or very little,
if any, success. It's an EXACTING SCIENCE that will not work any
other way regardless of how much we'd all like to shorten the process and
make it easier to perform. Multiply those same directed energies
and forces by the numbers of a PROPERLY OPERATING TEAM and you have an
infinite wallop capability when everybody is doing the same thing the
same way. Every time we do that as a TEAM, the TEAM gets stronger
and more powerful; and so does each Akurian in the TEAM! Inject one
out-of-step idiot and the success factor goes through the floor.
The process, whether as a TEAM or alone is the same: except a TEAM
cannot be divided against itself and succeed.
If you've
followed my Instructions, you can write and apply your own Invocations to
attain whatever there is available in The Sight of The Most High.
But when working with a TEAM, follow THAT PROCESS AND PROCEDURE without
any deviations whatsoever, and you'll succeed every time, regardless of
how 'impossible' the objective may seem to be. THAT is what being
an Akurian is all about. We are not just the last hope of the
world, we are the ONLY hope of the world. And that
responsibility will not suddenly evaporate any more than Holy Law or The
Most High will fade into nonexistence.
Chink #1:
The lot of our known and on-government-payroll enemies are Demon
Possessed. Those Demons will stand and fight if we let them.
When there is no question we will destroy them BEFORE THE TIME and
explain ourselves later to The Most High who will not condemn us:
they'll run whining into the darkness.
we must NEVER permit ourselves to anything other than a True, Righteous
and UNITED Corps. When we demonstrate ourselves in that manner,
especially during TEAM operations, we are as infallible as our own
perfection. And the Demons know it. When we
jackass, even in the slightest degree, the Demons know that too and take
full advantage of it to ensure our failure.
Chink #2:
There are no deviations from, nor in, Holy Law. There are
permissives and there are absolutes. Everyone, without exception,
is going to be adjudicated for all Eternity by Holy Law including
all those socialist bastards on all the government payrolls and high
offices of manipulation. We, being True and Righteous Akurians are
authorized to call those in violation of Holy Law into account; indeed,
we are the Living Testimony whether FOR or AGAINST!
It doesn't
take much observance to clearly see and document the all-but uncountable
abominations being committed minute by minute by knowingly-evil
bastards. They are NOT oblivious to their damnations! We are
witness to the irrevocable FACT that even the most devout atheist still
has an innate, and that the innate is incapable of lying in
any form or manner: it is bound by the TRUTH without
those two
Chinks the
whole list of socialist bastards are vulnerable as a sheet of tissue
paper in bad weather. Before we're through with them they are going
to wish they were tissue paper in a beer-joint bathroom as
a relief.
That this
Holy Order is fed up to the Heights with
KAK JEW in every speck of
dust, it is incumbent that be bring down
KAK JEW to the lowest
levels of its own burning sewers. Having been through the
'administrative-this' 'law-that' and 'the-way-things-are' poppycock of
KAK JEWS that perpetually fail to change a damned thing of their
preferences against the rest of the world, I managed to find the ONE
thing that WORKS EVERYTIME and always in my favor:
assured, there will be whinings Eleven on the Richter Scale, especially
when you hit the RIGHT bastards instead of their frontage puppets.
Mowing the outer sections of weeds doesn't upset the Farmer, but it does
put him on notice that a cutting is in progress. Long before the
cutting gets to his crops let alone to him, himself they'll
be grand displays of every stripe and imagination, all intended as
diversions under any guise you'll be stupid or gullible enough to
accept. Infallible Rule:
Establish the target; set the
destructions; and open fire!
in the target zone is to be destroyed. Everything within the target
zone that doesn't want to be destroyed
is free to get the hell
out except for the fact that anything tied to or a part of
the target zone cannot escape nor defend itself.
CONDITION and invoke this Death Sentence as
often as you can; always upon awakening and just before going to
sleep. When we kill enough of these KAK JEW BASTARDS the
atrocities will STOP! It will take a few days, those at the upper
echelons need to see the unstoppable Waves of Sure, Certain and
Inescapable Death coming for them too. Their first line of
protection are the lessers, subordinates and fools. When those
begin to die without any escape or defense, the Top Level KAKS
will have due warning that THEY are next in line, knowing THEY can't
escape or defend either. When you see the KAK JEW BASTARDS
going overboard to first 'reduce' and then 'eliminate' anything the
Akurians don't like, ignore it as the diversion attempt it will be; and
it's a sure sign to TURN UP THE HEAT you've got their
we are Akurians, we are the Living Testimony OF our respective
generations and will remain so until Shiloh; we NEVER stop and we NEVER
forgive. The
KAK JEW BASTARDS have sown the Winds of Deceit
and Deception for the sake of a penny. Now the True and Righteous
Akurians are going to deliver them a great harvest of Whirl Winds of Fire
and Death that only we can deliver.
on my command:
"Consciousness of Consciousness,
this is the Great Vision: All Creation without a living Jew,
without a living Levite; be they all dead and disposed of that they no
more contaminate Creation; Consciousness of Consciousness, this is the
Great Vision."
When you
encounter ANY Jew, Levite or puppet thereof: remind yourself that
they OUGHT TO BE DEAD and put them IN your
such. Spare not: high or low, rich or poor, male or female,
young or old: KAK JEW IS KAK JEW IS KAK JEW! Leave one
germ alive and eventually it will infect YOU!
Now, for a
process of personal protection and empowerment.
This is
something even the newest of neophytes can do, and just as effectively as
the most-proficient of our Proven Knowers. It is the application of
True Spiritual Power that is the same everywhere in Creation except the
Depths of Hell. It doesn't even work in Deros, and because Deros
overlaps the Earth Plane, Deros can, if permitted, keep the practitioner
from achieving all they would like and is available with this
otherwise very simple process.
Wait until
you get your copy of this Instructional; read it a few times, and then do
the procedure. If you have any questions, contact me or Command
Marshal Budagher.
That we
are in great need to know and understand many things on many levels, the
ability to
absolute. We cannot succeed without it. However, learning to
while a simple process itself, is NOT an easy accomplishment. IT
to show you now will HELP everyone who performs it correctly; and it has
some additional values that you'll be glad to have in your arsenal of
Spiritual Weaponry.
process really isn't all that new, just a once-secret way
of applying what we already know. We're going to use a Permanent
Sun Link and a BODY OF
LIGHT. But, with a different twist and
determination than ever before. Both must be very specific and will
have very specific feeling when done properly.
make a BODY OF
LIGHT inside yourself in the normal manner.
You want it the same size and shape you are without any deviations.
If you have a scar, you want that scar in this
LIGHT. About the only thing that is an
ignorable is your hair, beard and fingernails; those don't matter at all,
so you can ignore them. Once you've made this super-precision
LIGHT as near-perfect a copy of your physical
self as possible; turn it into your favorite color as a
FLUERESCENT glow in the dark color. Any shade will
do. White works genetically as well as Black. This isn't
about anybody other than YOU, so YOUR color need only be a glowing
FLUERESCENT as opposed to a normal light or paint.
FLUERESCENT! That's the whole key to success in this instance.
LIGHT into the very center of the Sun where all
the fission and fusion activity is the greatest. Don't expand
it! This BODY OF
LIGHT needs to be the same size and shape you are
or it can't do a damned thing you're making it to do. Put it in the
exact center of the Sun and relax it, make it become a part of all the
activity going on there and there's a lot of activity!
In a few
seconds, you'll think you've lost the
it becomes a part of the forces, energies and processes going on
there and THAT is exactly what this is all about. THAT is
exactly what we're after. Once this
LIGHT gels into the activity of the Sun, it will
become almost infinitely BRIGHT, and you will detect that
LIGHT boiling just like the center of the
Sun. Now comes the hardest part of this whole process, make a this
whole BODY OF
LIGHT into a Sun Link of all the forces, energies
and processes it's now a part of; and return it intact to your physical
body and attach it.
If you
feel a slight warmth, like a change in temperature without a movement of
air, you've done things right. If not, the process is easy to
repeat. Clean yourself with a SPHERE of WHITE LIGHT from head to
toe and start over.
you're connected, take cognizance of your
SENSE and you'll find you can read the very edge
of physical creation in a self-neutral mode permitting whatever is there
to TELL YOU without a lot of effort.
Any Plane
of Heaven can be traversed without ever leaving your physical body; as
this process enhances Cosmic Consciousness more than anything else.
Each of the Planes are immense, and you can experience every part of
As always,
LET THE ENERGIES TELL YOU, and I suggest you do most of your initial
practices on yourself. There's a lot about you that YOU aren't
aware of. Some are long-suppressed painful memories that YOU need
to examine and make NEW and proper decisions about.
LIGHT will give you the strength to face all
those demons and dispose of them. To again achieve the free mind
you were born with, the effort is well worth it. Among the many
things you will discover sometimes seemingly out of nowhere
is YOUR place in all of Creation; why you exist at all; and the many open
doors available for you to examine and enjoy at your own
And among
the best, the uncounted advantages of being a True and Righteous
Akurian. Your
capabilities will multiply as will your accuracy and your
One other
factor, those new energies you'll have established within yourself are
and will remain detectable even to a closed mind. Those who come
into your presence will KNOW within their own innate sneaky
suspicion if you must that there is something decidedly different
about you, and only those with a Present Demon will think it's
something evil! And, YES! THAT applies to all,
including puppets on government payroll who will KNOW within themselves
YOU are too dangerous to provoke regardless of their access to fire
power. Any indication in THAT direction and they will have clearly
documented for you the source of any and all problems with that
person. And this isn't about YOU taking the time or effort to
them, it's THEM that will have
YOU via their own innate without having a clue as to how! Others,
total strangers, will pick you out and tell you things they wouldn't talk
to themselves about.
This lesson is a precursor to a practice everybody will want to be in
on PAST LIFE RECALLS! Not only will you learn about your
long-term existence, you will jump your innate intelligence several
points on the Intelligence Quotient scale.